Unleashing Creativity with Printed PetFelt Acoustic Panels

PetFelt Acoustic Panels are renowned for their eco-friendly composition, exceptional sound absorption capabilities, and sleek, modern aesthetics. What sets them apart, however, is the opportunity to elevate your space with personalized and bespoke designs. Here's how custom printing options can transform your acoustic panels:

1. Branding and Identity:

Utilize PetFelt Acoustic Panels as a canvas to showcase your brand identity. Incorporate company logos, RAL colours, and graphics seamlessly into the panels, creating a cohesive and branded environment that resonates with your organization's ethos.

2. Artistic Expression:

Turn your space into a gallery by transforming PetFelt Acoustic Panels into unique art pieces. Express creativity through vibrant prints, abstract designs, or even showcase the work of local artists. The panels become not just functional but visually captivating focal points.

3. Themed Environments:

Tailor your surroundings to specific themes or moods by printing custom patterns, images, or textures on the panels. Whether it's a calming nature-inspired theme or an energetic, modern vibe, the versatility of printed PetFelt Acoustic Panels allows you to curate atmospheres that align with your vision.

4. Personalized Spaces:

In commercial or public spaces, personalization can enhance user experience. Customize PetFelt Acoustic Panels to reflect the purpose of different areas – from lively communal spaces to tranquil breakout zones – creating an environment that resonates with the intended function.

5. Wayfinding and Information:

Enhance the functionality of your space by integrating wayfinding elements or informational graphics onto the acoustic panels. Guide visitors seamlessly through the environment while maintaining a visually cohesive design.


Printed PetFelt Acoustic Panels represent a powerful marriage of functionality and design, offering a unique opportunity to turn your interior spaces into personalized, visually stunning environments. Whether you're aiming to reinforce brand identity, express artistic flair, or create themed atmospheres, the versatility of printed designs on PetFelt Acoustic Panels opens the door to a world of possibilities. Elevate your space with a touch of creativity and acoustic excellence, making a lasting impression on both aesthetics and sound management.

If you're ready to embark on your own design journey with PetFelt, we can help you with any of your design needs - for further details please Get in Touch.

oliver spiersGB Acoustics