Sound Absorption vs. Soundproofing - What's the difference?


When initially hit with a noise issue a common response is to frantically search for ‘soundproofing’ or ‘soundproofing foam’ hoping for a one size fits all solution to the acoustical issue you have happened upon.

The problem with this approach is generally your issue could require two distinctly different solutions. One is the well known ‘sound proofing’ and the other being the less well understood ‘sound absorption’. So what is the difference and how do we go about finding a solution?


Sound proofing is the process of making a room or building resistant to the passage of sound. materials associated with this process are commonly installed inside wall cavities and are required to be dense and/or mass heavy to acoustically isolate the two conjoining spaces.

Soundproofing is often inconvenient and difficult to accomplish once the the room or structure has been completed. We believe it is a job best approached by specialist builders and as such is not a process we currently deal with.

Sound Absorption

Sound absorption is the loss of sound energy through heat when a sound wave comes into contact with an acoustically absorbent material. As a result of which, the sound is not reflected back into the space as it would be when in contact with hard surfaces such as plasterboard, masonry or laminate flooring.

This is where the common misconception between sound proofing and sound absorption occurs. Sound absorption products are most often internal surface liners, panels or ‘clouds’ and are placed as such to absorb unwanted noise, echo and reverberation within a room.

GB Acoustics offer a range of bespoke sound absorbing solutions for all types of environment. Our specialist polyester wall and ceiling acoustic panels are designed to comfortably fit around your existing room fittings. Even a moderate quantity of panels will dramatically reduce ambient noise and provide a superb acoustic environment.

If you would like to know more about our products or improve your space’s acoustics, please don't hesitate to Get in touch.

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