Enhance Your Design Palette: Introducing Our Vibrant Range of PET Felt Panel Colours

When it comes to creating aesthetically pleasing and acoustically effective spaces, customization is key. And now, we are thrilled to introduce our latest innovation in acoustic design – a breathtaking array of 60 stunning colours for our PET Felt acoustic panels. This new range opens up a world of possibilities, allowing you to transform your interiors while ensuring exceptional sound quality. In this blog post, we'll explore the importance of acoustic design, the unique benefits of PET Felt, and how this expanded colour palette can revolutionize your design projects.

Embrace Nature's Palette: Vibrant Greens for a Greener You

Before we dive into the captivating world of colour options, it's essential to understand why acoustic design matters. Whether you're designing a classroom office, restaurant, home or studio, the acoustics of a space can significantly impact its functionality and comfort. Poor acoustics can lead to noise disturbances, reduced productivity, and an overall unpleasant experience.

Acoustic panels, like our PET Felt range, are designed to combat these issues by absorbing sound, creating quieter, more pleasant environments. And now, with our expanded colour range, you can achieve both acoustic excellence and stunning aesthetics.

The Power of PET Felt:

Our PET Felt acoustic panels have long been revered for their eco-friendliness and remarkable sound-absorbing properties. Crafted from recycled plastic bottles, these panels are not only environmentally conscious but also exceptionally effective in reducing noise pollution. They are versatile, easy to install, and perfect for various applications, from open-plan offices to home theatres.

Introducing Our Exciting New Color Range:

So, what's new and exciting about our PET Felt acoustic panels? We are proud to present a diverse palette of 60 captivating colours that allow you to unleash your creativity and bring your design visions to life. Here's why our expanded colour range is a game-changer:

Discover Tranquility: Warm sand tones

  1. Endless Design Possibilities: With 60 colours to choose from, you can easily match or contrast your panels with existing decor. Whether you want a calming, monochromatic scheme or a vibrant, eye-catching display, the possibilities are limitless.

  2. Branding and Personalization: Businesses can now incorporate their brand colours seamlessly into their workspace, creating a cohesive and professional atmosphere. Homeowners can infuse their unique personality into their interiors.

  3. Visual Interest: Our colourful PET Felt panels don't just improve acoustics; they become striking focal points in any space. Use them to define areas, create feature walls, or add a pop of colour to an otherwise neutral room.

  4. Enhanced Well-being: Studies have shown that colour can influence mood and productivity. The right colour choice can promote a calming atmosphere for relaxation or provide an energizing environment for work or play.


Incorporating our new range of 60 colours for PET Felt acoustic panels into your design projects is a surefire way to elevate aesthetics, improve acoustics, and create spaces that leave a lasting impression. Don't miss this opportunity to transform your interiors with style and substance. Explore our vibrant colour palette today and experience the future of acoustic design!

If you're ready to embark on your own design journey with PetFelt, we can help you with any of your design needs - for further details please Get in Touch.

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